Wednesday, July 23, 2014


This prompt makes me want to start up my Xanga again....yeeaaa...

Moving on....Currently:

Reading - Sort of re-reading Eat, Pray, Love. Elizabeth Gilbert is my hero in this book. I wanted to go to all these places before I read it, but now I definitely want to. (Italy, India, Indonesia). If ya haven't read it, get on it. Also, haven't seen the whole movie, just bits and pieces. I'm actually afraid to watch it because I will probably feel like a book snob and be all, "The book is sooooooooooooo much better." I don't wanna be that girl.

Writing - Obv, this post. Other than that, not working on anything. I should fix that.

Listening - The A/C blowing. Oh, and I'm obsessed with Coldplay's new 'Magic.' Do your ears and soul a flavor and go ahead and YouTube that ish.

Thinking - Now I'm thinking about trying to remember what I was thinking about before you asked me what I was thinking about.....and I can't.

Smelling - Cats keep farting. SBD, dude, for real. iznasty

Wishing - That I either, A, had lots of money, or B, everything was free.

Hoping - I can get through tomorrow without falling asleep at work.

Wearing - Seattle 04 tank

Wanting - For it never to be above 76 degrees again, ever.

Loving - My mom. My cats. My friends.

Needing - To go to sleep

And on that note........



Tuesday, July 22, 2014

My Day in GIFs

Oops, it's 12:14 and technically the next day, but I thought this prompt was supposed to be this specific day in GIFs and obviously I can't see into the future so I didn't know what it was going to be like, BUT apparently it's a typical day in the life of type of thing. So. That's my excuse.

I used to be an absolute terror to get up in the morning. People quit trying. Maybe that's why I feel like a little more tolerable these days. However, I'm still not equipped to have any sort of normal human interaction in the morning time. Basically this is how I feel about it....

I'm usually thinking about what I am going to eat for breakfast lunch snack and dinner by the time I get to the bathroom to pee. Food is life.

Yes, this one gets 3 GIFs. Deal.

Then I shower, do something with hair, maybe apply makeup, throw something on that I won't sweat out of in my car (no AC) and drive my happy ass to work, where I do stuff. 

I work at the spa front desk (not the hotel FD) where I answer the phone, make appointments, deal with creepy dudes asking about "groin work," and fold a bunch of towels and robes. It's the tits.

Then when I'm not at work, I'm usually one of two places: partying like a rock star (god I hate that song) with my friends because you know...age is just a number? 

And then this starts happening about 11pm 10pm.....

On the more often occurring days when I come home after work, I come in, talk to my kitties in a way that would creep you out, remove restrictive clothing a.k.a. bra, pants, work shirt, shoes, put on a tshirt big enough for me and your mom, maybe eat some cheese protein for dins, pop popcorn, grab a handful of popsicles, and promptly collapse on my bed to scroll thru Netflix for an hour besides deciding to give up on trying to find something to watch and turning on Friends. (Except when I'm hooked on a series, like Heroes, right now)

Don't worry, I judge me too. 


Friday, July 18, 2014

Five Favorite Things

Ok, well, this is a really general question. As a lover of lists and of the list making, this is a little vague for me. Five favorite things to wear? Five favorite things my cats do? Five favorite things to do on a rainy day? The possibilities are endless. I'm just taking up space, here; I have no idea where I'm going with it...

Number A
I didn't get this whole Vine thing when it first came out. I was like, #girlbye. But it has brought me many days of uncontrollable laughter and so many new phrases to use in my daily life. YAAAASSSSS. There are some really hilarious people out there, just living normal lives and making vines. Here are two of my faves:

Number B
Heirloom Pumpkin Candle from Bath & Body Works
Immediately transports your mind to Fall. And that means pumpkin pie. You're welcome.

Number C
So what if it encourages a sedentary, anit-social, sit-in-a-dark-room, eat-all-the-things, binge watching lifestyle? They don't have commercials. 

Number D
Paper & Pen (Or Pencil, if you prefer)
Remember in elementary/middle/high school when you had to write every.thing? I'm sure they don't do much of that anymore, but I haven't had a good ol' writer's cramp in a long time and I kind of miss it. Writing on paper is so organic.

Number E
Because this.....

And this....

And this....

And finally....

Tune in for the next time I sporadically participate in a link up that requires daily entries! Cheers!


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Finish le Sentence

I know I missed this prompt by a whole day but I really wanted to do this one so I'm doing it.

When I open the fridge, I always hope I find...
Some sort of cheese. And popsicles. I would say leftover pizza, but lesbihonest, I don't do left over pizza.

My favorite article of clothing is...
My Kentucky sweatshirt that swallows me up.

Last week I was really pissed when...
I was driving in the hot #teamnoAC

One thing nobody understands about me is...
That I'm actually pretty sensitive contrary to the sarcastic way I act.... #shitjustgotreal #crickets

One thing I don't understand is...
Uh. Quatum Physics?

The world would be a better place if...
People used their turn signals, no one was famous just because they're a "real housewife," FRIENDS was still taping, bacon was good for you, AND ALL THE KITTIES HAD HOMES

If I had a million dollars I'd...
Build a tree fort in our yard 

If I could change one thing about myself, it would be...
To not make excuses

Something that can always make me happy is...
My kitties.

Something I'll never blog about is...
Politics. Because this is how I feel about them...

If I could go anywhere I would go...
on a date with Josh Groban.
...Josh Groban...

If I were an animal I would be a....
A house cat. Because all the sleep.

A job I've always wanted is..
Editor. Wait, why am I not pursuing that again?

My idea of a perfect day is...
Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool and all...with my frands. By a pool. With SPF a million.

If I knew I'd die next week, this week I'd...
This question freaks me out...


Thursday, July 10, 2014

I Just Need Summer

So, I'm a ginger. Typically, we're not fans of the summer...the sun...the heat...the bugs. Oh, maybe that last one is just me, but still. The only reason I get any sort of "tan" is because the freckles on my face and arms multiply in the summer (even after the SPF gajillion).

This entry is supposed to be about things I like to do in the summer, which, there actually are a few....

1. Eat popsicles with every meal.
Yea. I love them a lot. Like, 4 at a time a lot. Don't worry, they're sugar free (most of the time).

2. Swim/Pool/Sprinkler/Public Pool/Lake/Any body of water
Living in a land locked state, I can't just drive down the road to the closest beach (which, I would do, every. single. day. if I lived close to one), but being on the lake is a special thing all its own. Tubing, floating, dodging water snakes. What's not to love? Water is supposed to be muddy green, right?

3. Flip Flops.
I'm sorry, but why do you need any other kind of shoe in the summer? Maybe a wedge, but that's where I draw the line. Feet are meant to be freeeee in the summer!

4. Being able to walk outside without 18 layers of clothes on.
We had a really rough winter and I might still be bitter about it.

5. Movies.
Because that's when all the good movies come out.

6. Coppertone Sunscreen.
Why can't they make a lotion (not sunscreen) that smells like this? Yum.

Okay, that was hard. Summer and I have a KindOfLike/DealWith/Hate relationship. It's not the warm...or even the more-than-warm that I hate. It's the bugs and humidity and...well that's about it, but that's enough. Those 6 things up there though, I love. : )

Thanks Juliette Faith & Allie for the great month of prompts. Sorry I'm 10 days late! : )


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Failure, GIFs, Josh Groban, a Brother, and a Wedding (Not Mine)


Weddings make me cry. I know. So cliche. But the flowers and the matching and coordinating (hello, ocd cdo) and shiny brides and adorable, weeping grooms; it's just too much for my little heart to handle. Why am I telling you all this? Duh. I was in a wedding last weekend and what kind of blogger would I be if I didn't post about it? #yourewelcome

Let's see if I can get through this with minimal internet/phone distractions, #somethingshiny (And no more hashtags).

UHHHH I would just like to point out, that I started this entry on August 10th and it is now November 21st and I am just now getting back to it. What's a bigger word than fail? Should I even be allowed to blog anymore? Kay. Well. Let's just move past this, shall we? Grrrrrrrreat....


                            45 Ridiculous And Amazing GIFs Of Nene Leakes For Her Birthday


So to pick up where I left off.........said wedding was a success! I love these guys.


It seems like it was so long ago, in the days of sun and warmth and happiness. Which reminds me, I hate winter. I mean, really, what is the point? It's about as useful as a chocolate teapot. Winter, nobody likes you. Go away. (And if you do, you can go away too).

Wait! There is nothing else to talk about besides the incredible thing that was the Josh Groban concert I went to!!! It/He was a 3 gazillion bucket of awesome sauce. And, after the show, I walked like a normal person sprinted down the stairs to the back door he came out of.


We were breathing the same air for a good 3 seconds, people....


I did not, however, get an autograph because all the less important people were in front of me and then he ran away (literally), hopped on his bus and took my heart with him. Not my favorite.

                                           Lucy is Disappointed

((P.s. Did you know this entry was going to be full of GIFs? Me neither.)) #sorrynotsorry                                                       

Future hubs Cool guy singing

Also, noteworthy, I got to meet my, ahem, brother and his wonderful fam for the first time ever! It's a pretty amazing story. We can sit down and have peppermint hot chocolate one day and I'll tell you all about it. It'll make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, so be prepared.


Did I mention this all went down in FL? Yep. 

                                   yes, Tom Hiddleston, Loki, The Avengers


So there you have it. And if I wait 3 months between entries again, you have my permission....


Friday, July 19, 2013

Oh heeyyyyy

Ok it's been less than a year since my last post, so I don't blog fail, right? K thanks.
It's 230am so I'm only here to share one thing:
New baby kitty! <3
Introducing Khaleesi. (nvm how many times it took me to get that spelling right). She is 3 months old today, actually and a little grey ball of adorable. Although slightly psychotic. (She has no care if I sleep or not).
But she's pretty much the smallest thing I've ever held and a great little cuddle bug!
Go on, be jealous. = )
Begging for popcorn. And failing. (I'm a strict momma)
"Why are you taking my picture?"
Hi. I'm freaking adorable and you love me.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

"Live in the moment!" they say

I get these urges. Impulses. Some may call it spontaneity. I have another term:

Word vomit.

It basically comes down to being extremely impatient and convincing oneself that if you don’t do it or say it, then you’ll never know what could’ve happened. Or something like that. I don’t think about the after effect. Or I do and I just don’t care, I’d rather have it out of me instead of festering and growing bigger and bigger inside.

“They” say to live in the present and say it before the moment is gone and to regret things you did instead of what you didn’t do. Somebody needs to tell “them,” those fancy-free-living advice givers, to attach a disclaimer, or at least tell us which situations warrant following your impulses and in which ones to hold your tongue and write about it in your diary instead.

Not that I would know anything about being impulsive or word vomity. This is an entirely hypothetical situation. You know………for a friend.

Monday, March 11, 2013

The end of the week. Aka the weekend.

I usually don't do weekend updates because, well, I work on Saturdays and sleep on Sundays. And play with my cat. Those posts might get a little redundant. But! This weekend, I actually have things to talk about other than previously mentioned things. =) Yea.

I know Thursday isn't technically the weekend, but it was my Mom's birthday! So I'm starting there.

I made her breakfast in bed and got her a pedicure! I know. I'm the best.


I went to Target at some point, as usual, and picked up this new little number...

Pockets people. Why don't all dresses have pockets?!


I found these and I want them. Ever since I went to WDW back in January, I want everything in my life to be Disney themed. And I want to get married there. But that's another story.

Saturday I got to attend my second ever Roller Derby bout with this lady:

We I ate everything on the menu at the "snack" bar. Calling it a snack bar makes me feel less fat for eating so much. Pizza is a snack, right? It was so fun. I usually don't get into sports, but I was clapping and watching and everything. Probably because I loved the movie Whip It so much.

This is the best shot I got.
Those ladies do not slow down.
Another reason I like this sport.
Not a lot of down time.

I also took a bajillion picture of kitty and finally decided on a quote to write in permanant marker in my brand spakin' new planner that I sleep with  like a whole bunch.

And finally...

Caught up on one of the best shows on television right now....

Which I watch mostly for this dude, right here:

Ahem, exscuse me sir, you are way too hot for your own good. Which works out great for me. =)