Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sorry......I'm Not Sorry

I am NOT sorry for...

...trying my hardest to be honest 100% of the time
Even when people don't like it.

...maybe eating an entire pizza by myself that one two...nevermind time(s)
I blame my mother. That's 90% of what she ate when she was prego.

...feeling what I feel
I can't help it. They're my feeeeeelings.

...not liking peanut butter
I prefer my mouth not to be sticky. That's what she said.

...not having it all figured out yet
I've got like, a good three years to do that, right? Right???

And last, but certainly not least, for this picture. Because..uh, it's awesome. Duh.


  1. Love this. And don't ever pressure yourself to have it all figured out by a certain time. Most people don't figure it all out until their golden years :)

  2. I'm supposed to be getting your updates via email and that is not happening. I missed this :(


Go on, I know you wanna say something! All the cool kids are doing it.