Monday, February 4, 2013

Weekend Update Vol. 2

1. Bacci, the disappearing cat/best hider ever. House/pet sat for a week and saw
this dude, maybe 5 times. Cool.
2. Snickers & Booger. These two were always around wantin' some lovin'.
3. Snow. Ick.
4. Superbowl ladies!
5. I drew those ravens free hand. No big deal.
6. Superbowl boys!
7. The grown man under the coat getting attacked by the churrin.
8. Man love.
9. The hostess with the mostest!
10. How not to take a picture. "This is as close as I get to him." Good grief.
11. Limbering up for a photo.
12. I'm not even sure what's happening in this pic.
13, 14, 15, 16. Reunited with my kitty cat whom I've been away from for two weeks!!

How was your weekend?!


  1. Looks like a fun weekend with lots of smiles involved :)

  2. Your cats are adorable!! Too cute!

    1. Thanks lady! Just the one on the bottom row is mine. I was kitty/doggie sitting for my friend, so those are hers, but I love them all!


Go on, I know you wanna say something! All the cool kids are doing it.