Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday Social Vol. 6

What is one movie you are terrified to watch?
I psych myself out, so it really depends on how "in my head" I am when I'm watching. I usually just make to-do lists in my head to distract myself from anything that might make me pee my pants. The last movie that actually freaked me out, I can't even think of the name of right now and I just watched it two days ago. Already blocking it out apparently. It was by the people who made Insidious, which too, was a horrifying film.

What is one TV show you've always wanted to get into but haven't yet?
I've got a long list of shows I want to watch somewhere, but I think Downton Abbey (which I thought was DownTOWN Abbey for a while there. I never said I was smart.) & Six Feet Under are at the top.

What is one daring activity on your bucket list?
Finish college, haha

Would you ever travel alone?
I don't know.

What activities do you like to do alone?
Honestly? Most things, haha. I like company, but I don't like to entertain. Does that make sense? I like the physical presence of someone, but it's cool if we just surf pinterest and blog all day and say funny things to one another occasionally. I better quit before I offend someone. =)

Sunday Social


  1. Six Feet Under is the greatest television show of all-time in my humble opinion :)

  2. I've never seen Downton either! I'm afraid if I start I'll be all rabid about it :)


Go on, I know you wanna say something! All the cool kids are doing it.