Monday, March 11, 2013

The end of the week. Aka the weekend.

I usually don't do weekend updates because, well, I work on Saturdays and sleep on Sundays. And play with my cat. Those posts might get a little redundant. But! This weekend, I actually have things to talk about other than previously mentioned things. =) Yea.

I know Thursday isn't technically the weekend, but it was my Mom's birthday! So I'm starting there.

I made her breakfast in bed and got her a pedicure! I know. I'm the best.


I went to Target at some point, as usual, and picked up this new little number...

Pockets people. Why don't all dresses have pockets?!


I found these and I want them. Ever since I went to WDW back in January, I want everything in my life to be Disney themed. And I want to get married there. But that's another story.

Saturday I got to attend my second ever Roller Derby bout with this lady:

We I ate everything on the menu at the "snack" bar. Calling it a snack bar makes me feel less fat for eating so much. Pizza is a snack, right? It was so fun. I usually don't get into sports, but I was clapping and watching and everything. Probably because I loved the movie Whip It so much.

This is the best shot I got.
Those ladies do not slow down.
Another reason I like this sport.
Not a lot of down time.

I also took a bajillion picture of kitty and finally decided on a quote to write in permanant marker in my brand spakin' new planner that I sleep with  like a whole bunch.

And finally...

Caught up on one of the best shows on television right now....

Which I watch mostly for this dude, right here:

Ahem, exscuse me sir, you are way too hot for your own good. Which works out great for me. =)


  1. Happy birthday to your mom!! And that's a beautiful dress. I have only seen season one of Weeds thus far so I need to partake in the other seasons.

    1. Aw thanks! Weeds is really good, you should totally watch it.

  2. That dress looks great on you!! I love pockets on dresses! I don't have much in the hips department (UGH) so I like the illusion the pockets usually give :)

    Also, I LOVED Whip It!! I've wanted to become a Roller Derby girl for years but I'm too chicken. ha

    1. Thank you! Yea I did too, but I'm too fragile, haha My best friend plays though so I live vicariously through her =)

  3. You are a good daughter! And, yes! TOTALLY AGREE! All dresses should have pockets.


Go on, I know you wanna say something! All the cool kids are doing it.