Thursday, November 21, 2013

Failure, GIFs, Josh Groban, a Brother, and a Wedding (Not Mine)


Weddings make me cry. I know. So cliche. But the flowers and the matching and coordinating (hello, ocd cdo) and shiny brides and adorable, weeping grooms; it's just too much for my little heart to handle. Why am I telling you all this? Duh. I was in a wedding last weekend and what kind of blogger would I be if I didn't post about it? #yourewelcome

Let's see if I can get through this with minimal internet/phone distractions, #somethingshiny (And no more hashtags).

UHHHH I would just like to point out, that I started this entry on August 10th and it is now November 21st and I am just now getting back to it. What's a bigger word than fail? Should I even be allowed to blog anymore? Kay. Well. Let's just move past this, shall we? Grrrrrrrreat....


                            45 Ridiculous And Amazing GIFs Of Nene Leakes For Her Birthday


So to pick up where I left off.........said wedding was a success! I love these guys.


It seems like it was so long ago, in the days of sun and warmth and happiness. Which reminds me, I hate winter. I mean, really, what is the point? It's about as useful as a chocolate teapot. Winter, nobody likes you. Go away. (And if you do, you can go away too).

Wait! There is nothing else to talk about besides the incredible thing that was the Josh Groban concert I went to!!! It/He was a 3 gazillion bucket of awesome sauce. And, after the show, I walked like a normal person sprinted down the stairs to the back door he came out of.


We were breathing the same air for a good 3 seconds, people....


I did not, however, get an autograph because all the less important people were in front of me and then he ran away (literally), hopped on his bus and took my heart with him. Not my favorite.

                                           Lucy is Disappointed

((P.s. Did you know this entry was going to be full of GIFs? Me neither.)) #sorrynotsorry                                                       

Future hubs Cool guy singing

Also, noteworthy, I got to meet my, ahem, brother and his wonderful fam for the first time ever! It's a pretty amazing story. We can sit down and have peppermint hot chocolate one day and I'll tell you all about it. It'll make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, so be prepared.


Did I mention this all went down in FL? Yep. 

                                   yes, Tom Hiddleston, Loki, The Avengers


So there you have it. And if I wait 3 months between entries again, you have my permission....


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