Thursday, July 10, 2014

I Just Need Summer

So, I'm a ginger. Typically, we're not fans of the summer...the sun...the heat...the bugs. Oh, maybe that last one is just me, but still. The only reason I get any sort of "tan" is because the freckles on my face and arms multiply in the summer (even after the SPF gajillion).

This entry is supposed to be about things I like to do in the summer, which, there actually are a few....

1. Eat popsicles with every meal.
Yea. I love them a lot. Like, 4 at a time a lot. Don't worry, they're sugar free (most of the time).

2. Swim/Pool/Sprinkler/Public Pool/Lake/Any body of water
Living in a land locked state, I can't just drive down the road to the closest beach (which, I would do, every. single. day. if I lived close to one), but being on the lake is a special thing all its own. Tubing, floating, dodging water snakes. What's not to love? Water is supposed to be muddy green, right?

3. Flip Flops.
I'm sorry, but why do you need any other kind of shoe in the summer? Maybe a wedge, but that's where I draw the line. Feet are meant to be freeeee in the summer!

4. Being able to walk outside without 18 layers of clothes on.
We had a really rough winter and I might still be bitter about it.

5. Movies.
Because that's when all the good movies come out.

6. Coppertone Sunscreen.
Why can't they make a lotion (not sunscreen) that smells like this? Yum.

Okay, that was hard. Summer and I have a KindOfLike/DealWith/Hate relationship. It's not the warm...or even the more-than-warm that I hate. It's the bugs and humidity and...well that's about it, but that's enough. Those 6 things up there though, I love. : )

Thanks Juliette Faith & Allie for the great month of prompts. Sorry I'm 10 days late! : )



  1. I can't believe I forgot flip flops on my list! Definitely a necessity in the summer! :)

  2. Flip flops are the best. I love when Old Navy has their flip flop sale for $1 but you best make a bee line for it when you hear about it. it gets crowded. I love the beach as well.

  3. Do fingers burn easy. Thanks for stopping by. Come back often


Go on, I know you wanna say something! All the cool kids are doing it.