Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Finish le Sentence

I know I missed this prompt by a whole day but I really wanted to do this one so I'm doing it.

When I open the fridge, I always hope I find...
Some sort of cheese. And popsicles. I would say leftover pizza, but lesbihonest, I don't do left over pizza.

My favorite article of clothing is...
My Kentucky sweatshirt that swallows me up.

Last week I was really pissed when...
I was driving in the hot #teamnoAC

One thing nobody understands about me is...
That I'm actually pretty sensitive contrary to the sarcastic way I act.... #shitjustgotreal #crickets

One thing I don't understand is...
Uh. Quatum Physics?

The world would be a better place if...
People used their turn signals, no one was famous just because they're a "real housewife," FRIENDS was still taping, bacon was good for you, AND ALL THE KITTIES HAD HOMES

If I had a million dollars I'd...
Build a tree fort in our yard 

If I could change one thing about myself, it would be...
To not make excuses

Something that can always make me happy is...
My kitties.

Something I'll never blog about is...
Politics. Because this is how I feel about them...

If I could go anywhere I would go...
on a date with Josh Groban.
...Josh Groban...

If I were an animal I would be a....
A house cat. Because all the sleep.

A job I've always wanted is..
Editor. Wait, why am I not pursuing that again?

My idea of a perfect day is...
Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool and all...with my frands. By a pool. With SPF a million.

If I knew I'd die next week, this week I'd...
This question freaks me out...


1 comment:

Go on, I know you wanna say something! All the cool kids are doing it.