Friday, July 18, 2014

Five Favorite Things

Ok, well, this is a really general question. As a lover of lists and of the list making, this is a little vague for me. Five favorite things to wear? Five favorite things my cats do? Five favorite things to do on a rainy day? The possibilities are endless. I'm just taking up space, here; I have no idea where I'm going with it...

Number A
I didn't get this whole Vine thing when it first came out. I was like, #girlbye. But it has brought me many days of uncontrollable laughter and so many new phrases to use in my daily life. YAAAASSSSS. There are some really hilarious people out there, just living normal lives and making vines. Here are two of my faves:

Number B
Heirloom Pumpkin Candle from Bath & Body Works
Immediately transports your mind to Fall. And that means pumpkin pie. You're welcome.

Number C
So what if it encourages a sedentary, anit-social, sit-in-a-dark-room, eat-all-the-things, binge watching lifestyle? They don't have commercials. 

Number D
Paper & Pen (Or Pencil, if you prefer)
Remember in elementary/middle/high school when you had to write every.thing? I'm sure they don't do much of that anymore, but I haven't had a good ol' writer's cramp in a long time and I kind of miss it. Writing on paper is so organic.

Number E
Because this.....

And this....

And this....

And finally....

Tune in for the next time I sporadically participate in a link up that requires daily entries! Cheers!


1 comment:

  1. I'm the same way with lists and needing directions! I love those GIFs, I've seen quite a few with Jennifer Lawrence. I wonder if she knows how GIF-popular she is?


Go on, I know you wanna say something! All the cool kids are doing it.