Tuesday, July 22, 2014

My Day in GIFs

Oops, it's 12:14 and technically the next day, but I thought this prompt was supposed to be this specific day in GIFs and obviously I can't see into the future so I didn't know what it was going to be like, BUT apparently it's a typical day in the life of type of thing. So. That's my excuse.

I used to be an absolute terror to get up in the morning. People quit trying. Maybe that's why I feel like a little more tolerable these days. However, I'm still not equipped to have any sort of normal human interaction in the morning time. Basically this is how I feel about it....

I'm usually thinking about what I am going to eat for breakfast lunch snack and dinner by the time I get to the bathroom to pee. Food is life.

Yes, this one gets 3 GIFs. Deal.

Then I shower, do something with hair, maybe apply makeup, throw something on that I won't sweat out of in my car (no AC) and drive my happy ass to work, where I do stuff. 

I work at the spa front desk (not the hotel FD) where I answer the phone, make appointments, deal with creepy dudes asking about "groin work," and fold a bunch of towels and robes. It's the tits.

Then when I'm not at work, I'm usually one of two places: partying like a rock star (god I hate that song) with my friends because you know...age is just a number? 

And then this starts happening about 11pm 10pm.....

On the more often occurring days when I come home after work, I come in, talk to my kitties in a way that would creep you out, remove restrictive clothing a.k.a. bra, pants, work shirt, shoes, put on a tshirt big enough for me and your mom, maybe eat some cheese protein for dins, pop popcorn, grab a handful of popsicles, and promptly collapse on my bed to scroll thru Netflix for an hour besides deciding to give up on trying to find something to watch and turning on Friends. (Except when I'm hooked on a series, like Heroes, right now)

Don't worry, I judge me too. 


1 comment:

  1. Gettin' paid to poop! Nice! And no worries, I'd do 3 gifs for food too . . . its that important :)


Go on, I know you wanna say something! All the cool kids are doing it.