Wednesday, July 23, 2014


This prompt makes me want to start up my Xanga again....yeeaaa...

Moving on....Currently:

Reading - Sort of re-reading Eat, Pray, Love. Elizabeth Gilbert is my hero in this book. I wanted to go to all these places before I read it, but now I definitely want to. (Italy, India, Indonesia). If ya haven't read it, get on it. Also, haven't seen the whole movie, just bits and pieces. I'm actually afraid to watch it because I will probably feel like a book snob and be all, "The book is sooooooooooooo much better." I don't wanna be that girl.

Writing - Obv, this post. Other than that, not working on anything. I should fix that.

Listening - The A/C blowing. Oh, and I'm obsessed with Coldplay's new 'Magic.' Do your ears and soul a flavor and go ahead and YouTube that ish.

Thinking - Now I'm thinking about trying to remember what I was thinking about before you asked me what I was thinking about.....and I can't.

Smelling - Cats keep farting. SBD, dude, for real. iznasty

Wishing - That I either, A, had lots of money, or B, everything was free.

Hoping - I can get through tomorrow without falling asleep at work.

Wearing - Seattle 04 tank

Wanting - For it never to be above 76 degrees again, ever.

Loving - My mom. My cats. My friends.

Needing - To go to sleep

And on that note........




  1. Visiting from the link up! I seem to pick up Eat, Pray, Love every time I'm in the bookstore or at the library and debate reading it but I feel like it can't possibly live up to the hype and I'll end up being disappointed. So I always put it back down! Maybe it will make it to the top of my reading list someday.

  2. 1. Italy is a must!
    2. I love Coldplay! It's the best music for thinking.
    3. I love that shirt- Seatle 04
    4. Haha I so want to do that in a little toy car. #livingonthewildside


Go on, I know you wanna say something! All the cool kids are doing it.