Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Pinteresting Vol. 3 - Quote Edition

What up blog people (the 12 of you who read this) =) Tis Wednesday and time for some Pinterest loving. Although I love Pinterest every day. When they finally got their shiz together and made the Android app worth a hoot, it basically took over my life. And I can save shit to my phone?! Mind. Blown. Life. Changed. HaHa Okay, that's a little dramatic.

But seriously.

This week I decided to go with a theme and since I'm always reading quotes and things for motivation, inspiration, etc. that's, uh, what I picked. Yea. Here are some favorites:

Happy Hump Day!


  1. I LOVE the "someone else is happy with less than what you have" quote...WOW.

  2. Yea, that's a pretty powerful one. Humbling.

  3. OH MY GOSH. We are kindred spirits. I literally just tweeted the "someone else is happy with less than what you have." Seriously. Like 15 minutes ago. Kindred. Freaking. Spirits.

  4. Well, we knew that =) You're my longest friend.

  5. My Pinterest obsession totally went through the roof when Android got an app!! lol

    LOVE the fort one and the Juno one :)


Go on, I know you wanna say something! All the cool kids are doing it.