Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Social Vol. 4

1. What was your first car? a blue '91 Chevy Corsica
2. Who was your favorite childhood teacher? Honestly I was very lucky with getting good teachers all thru my schooling, even high school (with a couple exceptions). My kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Carey, and my 6th grade teacher Mrs. Jackson, stick out though.
3. Were you involved in any sports/extracurricular activities? I did track for a minute and was a band geek 6th-12th!!
4. What was your favorite birthday party? All my birthdays were/are always special. It's usually dinner, a cake (which my mom usually makes), and being with my family & friends. Oh, and it's tradition to get breakfast in bed.
5. Who was your teen celebrity crush? I think I was too busy with crushes in real life because I can't think of a single one. I was really boy crazy though, which I didn't realize until A). I read some old diaries from middle school B). My Mom reminded me that she clearly remembers me having a new crush every week!
6. What show/movie did your parent(s) not allow you to watch? MTV. The Simpsons. Ren & Stimpy (which I watched anyway, for some reason). But here's the worst...I wasn't allowed to watch FRIENDS!! But I did anyway when I went to my best friend's house (sorry Mom :)) And I own the series now, so it's a happy ending.

Sunday Social


  1. You weren't able to watch Friends?? That's crazy!! At least, like you said, it was a happy ending though :)

  2. When I think about Friends, I think about you.

    Also Mrs. Churchill reminds me of you.

    Oh and OH MY GOSH, the Corsica. It had the most innovative cup holders everywhere. Totally forgot about that gem.


Go on, I know you wanna say something! All the cool kids are doing it.